Thursday, December 29, 2005

Seasons Change

Here in Southern California seasonal changes are a lot more subtle than most of you are used to - certainly much more than I was growing up in Tennessee. I have joked to Steve and Matt that I sometimes have to check the latest Cabela's catalog to see what season I'm in.

One of the signs I have come to depend on that warm weather is over and cooler weather has arrived is when my gardenia bush stops blooming and my calla lillies grow back up and start. I went out in the early morning a couple of weeks ago to document my first calla of the season when I was surprised by something we rarely see here.

Frost on the top of one of our cars. Shocking isn't it?

And here is that first calla, a much more reliable indicator of seasonal change than frost in my neighborhood.

1 comment:

Peculiar said...

Season change has also been pretty darn subtle here in New Mexico this winter. December 29th, 7:30 am: do I wake up to find frost on my car? Ha! Drops of liquid water. The snow demons have withdrawn from our iniquity.