Thursday, July 07, 2005

Striking Image

From Chas Clifton's OTHER blog, Letter from Hardscrabble Creek, comes via two other links this striking image and message of a strong black woman with a gun: "Free People Own Guns"

Hardscrabble Creek is another example of how simple categories tend to break down these days-- it's Chas and his opinions on academia, contemporary paganism, and the Right To Bear Arms.

I have added it to my blogroll. Though now, despite Miss Mary's teasing [see Hardscrabble or Nature Blog for her] I just might have to balance it with a good punk conservative Catholic intellectual like Eve Tushnet.


Chas S. Clifton said...

Um, I thought Oleg Volk's graphic used a young black man.


Steve Bodio said...

OK, a little androgyny there-- it's the haircut I think. But look at the eyebrows, breast line, and lack of an Adam's apple...

This is embarassing...

P. S Libby says no doubt-- female.