Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bookaholism 2

Reid sends this link from the LA times on in- house libraries.

"For the bibliophile, what to do with the books is life's central decorating issue, an ongoing discourse, a debate, and often an outright décor war, between aesthetics, the practicalities of storage and the consuming mindlessness of passion".

Some, who are not book lovers, have designers do their work.

"A Fallbrook-based business called Book Décor specializes in the sale of leather-bound books that "unlike drapes or carpeting appreciate in value and never wear out," selling them by the foot in quantities of up to 250. Lest any client be tempted to open and read one, they're printed in Danish".

Others are just crazy.

"But equally or more often, a book lover's chief ambition is less visual glory than containment — a pen to hold the 190-pound mastiff that you adore but know is capable of devouring you".

Look at this photo of one wall of one room in our four- room house and tell me which category we belong to. (Click on the photo to enlarge).

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