Sunday, September 04, 2005

ID Smackdown

This, as the previous Kipling post, is the forerunner to a long one. I hope to write soon on John Derbyshire's wonderful, insightful, and overlooked China trilogy Fire From the Sun , as well as on China, the Chinese environment, a book on that subject-- yes, I know, ambitious, especially with deadlines, Libby down with broken ribs, and me with a sinus infection.

But meanwhile, go and read his vigorous dismissal of "Intelligent" design. This essay should put the whole subject to rest for the rational and informed, be they religious, agnostic, or atheist.

It won't, though.


Peculiar said...

"dismissal" link doesn't work Steve. Would love to read it though.

bob jones said...

You're right, Steve, it won't. Derbyshire's done much better work (as with the novel "Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream," for example).

One response to the essay you thought well of is here.