...and a wolf pelt, taken by this eagle, hanging on his winter house.

Eagles do not take wolves in the wild as a rule, though a biologist friend has seen one kill a coyote here, and they regularly take pronghorn here (see American Pronghorn : Social Adaptations and the Ghosts of Predators Past and Survival By Hunting: Prehistoric Human Predators and Animal Prey ) and saiga there. Wise Manai has a dictum he does not always follow: "If you want to keep your eagle ten years (the length of time Kazakhs keep their birds before releasing them back to the wild to breed) do not hunt wolves!"
I absolutely cannot believe any raptor could even come close to killing a healthy wolf. I seriously doubt they could kill a coyote. MAYBE a fox - maybe.
I would bet my life on it , in a second. Mike.
You tube it. Too bad I couldn't have bet you your life. Probably not worth much if you bet it so easily though.
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