Thursday, December 08, 2005

Genetic Map of Dogs Completed

Researchers at Harvard and MIT have announced that they have completed their decoding of the genome of the domestic dog. Timing is everything - Steve is out of the country and with his interest and knowledge of genetics and dog breeding he is certainly the one to provide insights and comments on the significance of this. And I'm sure that he will when he gets back. Of course here I am talking about dog genetics and Steve is in Turkey working on it. The main purpose of the trip is to buy tazis and bring them back here for breeding stock, " obtain more genetic material" as he told me when we talked Saturday.

An interesting aspect of this piece is how intertwined dogs and humans have become over the last 14,000 years, and the almost unique emotional bonds that we are able to form cross-species. If you remember, we talked about that some here a few days ago.

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