Friday, May 12, 2006


Here is a good piece reviewing the movie "Flock of Dodos" that was made by a biologist turned filmmaker who tries to show that "Inteligent" design is wrong, but that pompous smugness may not be the best way to combat it.

"Olson illustrates (and perhaps exaggerates) the evolutionists’ difficulties. In one of the film’s more amusing scenes, several Harvard biologists huddle around a poker table and get progressively drunker as they banter and bicker and bemoan the rise of the ID movement. Their conversation is intelligent and entertaining, but it’s also annoyingly haughty and dense."


"..The fundamental problem with teaching Intelligent Design in science classes is that it just isn’t science. By definition, scientific inquiry is limited in scope to providing natural explanations of the physical world. The hypothesis that human life was created by a supernatural intelligence might be true or false, but it isn’t empirically testable, so it simply fails to reach the level of a scientific hypothesis. For this reason, ID cannot sensibly be included in science classes: The pure methodology of establishing physical facts through empirical verification is essential for the continued integrity of science, because it encapsulates scientists’ specialized, time-tested, and uniquely powerful way of advancing human knowledge. Science as an enterprise would suffer great harm if it allowed supernaturalism to creep into its operations, just as religion would diminish itself if it began demanding empirical evidence to back up its tenets of faith."

RTWT of course...

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