Saturday, June 17, 2006

More Terrierman

Patrick Burns, whose exceptional blog we noted earlier and added to the Q. 'roll, has recently added us. We...are...pleased.

Burns has been "playing in the gutter" (that's old school lingo for updating his nav-bar), and his blog now offers a good post archive. I spent some time browsing this morning and see, to my amazement, he pretty much covers it all: A(nimal Rightists)-Z(ealots)

You can browse for natural history, terrier lore, hunters' ethics, and much else, but here's a sampler for the more humane among us:

The End of the Game?

Nannying Idiots Continue to Ignore Real Problems

The Red Flag of Lunacy

The Dysfunctional Terrier World

The Last Rat Pit in New York

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Burns mentions the book Rats by Robert Sullivan in his post on rat pits. The book Rats is a good book and worth reading.