Monday, August 21, 2006

More Random Beach Art

This is starting to turn into an occasional series. I saw this delightful "beach henge" on Tuesday evening. Do you think the dark glasses on top of one of the cairns is an essential part of the installation? I have no idea.

As I finished taking this photo, two middle-aged blonde ladies in flowing faux-Hindu outfits came bounding up and thanked me for building the beach henge. I admitted to only committing photography. One of them, who had put a caste-mark on her forehead with sparkley paint, said it was no matter, as it was obvious that HE had caused someone to build it just where they had planned their ceremony. They quickly set about spreading tapestries on the sand depicting their deity and arranging an array of votive candles. I returned to my chair and my perusal of the Atlantic Monthly.

They were joined by three or four friends and they were shortly energetically engaged in burning incense, drumming and dancing. In the midst of this, a sea lion stuck his head out of the water just offshore, and spent about ten minutes treading water and staring curiously at their goings-on.

Only in Southern California.

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