Friday, November 10, 2006

Gorbatov 2: Sampler

Just a taste.

A Turcoman falconer: "Sandstorm, Karakum Desert".

"Young Hunter": Gos over water.

"Berkutchi": relatives of my dogs-- really!

"Seton's Lobo"-- for a Korean edition of the classic. Vadim painted these illustrations-- in a two- page format-- from backgrounds we sent, before he had ever been in New Mexico. Can't wait to see the new stuff now that he has.

To see or buy his new American childrens' book, with peregrines and eagles, go to the Raptor Education Foundation link in the post below and click on "Fidget".


Moro Rogers said...

Wow, those are beautiful! Esp. the atmosphere in the wolf pic...

Steve Bodio said...

You should see the original!

Got more I could send you...

Moro Rogers said...

That would be cool.^^

Max Inclined said...

As soon as I saw that immie goshawk I *knew* it was Gorbatov. He has that way of capturing the hawk's elan that gets lost in more photorealistic portraits. Reminds me of Roy DeWitt's pencil portrait of a Cooper's mantling on the glove. Thanks for posting those, they're a pleasure.