Monday, April 05, 2010

Tape Recorder (or other recording device?)

Can anyone recommend a VERY CHEAP small portable recorder good enough to take dictation from? I can write large with a soft pencil and slowly and with typos on this machine but one would be useful. Remember, VERY CHEAP (;-))


Mary Strachan Scriver said...

Steve, why not go straight to a computer program that can transcribe spoken words? I don't know what the state-of-the-art programs are at the moment, but an Apple store would know. I'm told they're much better than they were in the beginning. I've kept an eye out, so to speak, in case of going blind.

Prairie Mary

Anonymous said...

Craigslist "voice recorder" or similar query

Unknown said...

Steve, I use DragonSpeak at work. I havent had a transcriptionist in 2 years. Check it out on There are less and more expensive versions. For taking "voice notes", I love my Blackberry. Very clear recording--again, not cheap to buy a Blackberry, but on the other hand you get a camera, a phone, a calendar, a directory, a video cam, a GPS--all in one--not bad!

Anonymous said...

Dragon has good software. I've been on and off with ability to type and use one hand/arm or the other for about a year now. A couple of friends with MS recommended dragon naturally speaking. I haven't gone to it yet, but expect I will in the next year.

Digital recorders can also be a good option - though then you're stuck with finding a typist. You can get a decent one for less than $50. Not sure what your needs are, so I'm not sure what to recommend - though I've spent a lot of time looking into them lately.

I looked into recorders when I realized I was facing more than a year of surgery and rehab on my arms and was getting more severe arthritis in both my hands. But after looking into it more and talking to friends who need to write and have similar afflictions - dragon sounds like the way to go.

Steve Bodio said...

Dragon seems to be the consensus, both on the blog and in non-blog e-mails. Now I just have to find $200 and figure out how to use it (;-))

Anonymous said...

You can get some versions as cheap as $50 on Amazon. The $200 version includes a headset, which I bet you could find for less than $150.