One "trouble" with red shahin types is that they are very fast but have very heavy wing loading--- look at the thin wings in photo two as well as the huge chest. Paul has found it hard to keep her fit without constant work. A new book on modern Arab technique cites stooping a Barb to the lure 250 times or more--! That kind of workout should keep us BOTH fit.
Pix: first set is Cheetah-- car, field, lure. Second is Monday's unsuccessful rabbit hunt near Socorro-- suddenly 75 degrees! Paul & gos, Paul & gos & Lib, heavy cover, gos on Paul's back being impatient.

Was that east of the river (at least the last shot)?
For lure flying my barbary. I use a soft lure system. Look at my blog ( for details on the system (older posts).
West, behind the High School (Rt 60).
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