Peculiar links (scroll down) to a wonderful little film on Black Sea sparrow hawks in falconry-- for Turkish TV? High point is as he says throwing them overhand like baseballs at quail, but the "pubs" and characters are amazing-- must get there! Thanks to Paul for pointing me at the plethora of Turkish hawking YouTubes-- there are many more...
Lewis and Clark's air rifle video. I had known it was a big game gun, but I had not known it was an effective and deadly REPEATER-- the only one in North America at the time, perhaps? No wonder it impressed the tribes!
Friend and Wisconsin Poet Laureate Marilyn Taylor had a poem read and presented on Ted Kooser's American Life in Poetry Monday-- make sure you select the 28th for what I told her was her "hilarious and unnerving" poem. And check her out at Amazon-- I may also have to blog her poem about an old midwestern gal in Paris who takes no prisoners...
Reid sent this good piece on Mike Tyson and pigeons. Considering things like anti- pigeon legislation in Albuquerque perhaps Tyson's new pigeon TV series will give us a shot in the arm...
From emeritus scientist and modern day paleo- hunter Val Geist: bushmen run off a pride of lions from their kill--!! .
Karen Myers sends a link to National Geographic's excellent article and update on fox domestication in Siberia, a subject dear to my heart.
But domestication can become perverted. Micaela Lehtonen in Finland (from our Asia Group) found this horrifying photo: the noble Arabian horse twisted into My Little Pony by a disgusting application of selective breeding--! I suspect Darwin, an English countryman, would have been fascinated but not pleased. Chantal, another member, added: "...the Arabian horse is a barbie horse now days all about glitz and glamour. I was at a horse show recently and noticed they now wax or shave bald above the eyes so the gloss stands out more."
From Annie Davidson: meat- eating furniture. Really.
Kazakh eagle music. Libby and I have hunted that very hill with the late hunter Manai, and chased a fox down the left (south) side. The valley ahead is the "highway" to Ulan Bataar 600 plus miles away to the east, full of camel bones and old mufflers. I'll add a few nostalgic photos.
Both landscapes show a view west over the highway though the snowy one is from high in the hills. As I said, nostalgia-- I can only hope I will still return...

1 comment:
Great Nat Geo article--I was SO PLEASED that no Coppingeresque influence regarding dogs was even mentioned--perhaps we are beyond that enormous divergence of inaccuracies at long last--I mean, Nat Geo IS the voice of the people, right?;)....I DO beg to differ about the increasingly parroted notion that our domestic dogs "read" us humans better than even chimpanzees--this notion is based solely on very limited, narrow laboratory experiments, where a domestic dog is going to have all manner of advantages over some wretched, captive chimp!(Or any other wild animal) Having lived for months once-upon-a-time with human-habituated wild chimps and baboons, I can assure everyone, those guys can read you like a book, in ways that will put any dog to shame(good as dogs are at it, and love them as I do!)...L.B.
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