Just before Christmas last year, I lost my best girlfriend to breast cancer. I’m thankful that although Sheri’s no longer physically present in my life, her spirit endures, and that wild woman’s genes are coursing through the veins of her granddaughter, Kylie. A few days ago, Kylie’s mother looked out the window to catch Kylie outside, sneaking up on the chickens, with bow and arrow, ready to let ‘er rip! This image gives me great joy – she’s making her grandma proud.
Good to know that the genes and spirit of the likes of Sheri and Eli go on...
PS: never mentioned it but Eli's folks ran a SHEEP ranch!
Ah, Eli seemed like a person I would have enjoyed even before you added that tidbit!
I thought of him here too, Cat. We used to "hunt" domestic waterfowl bare-handed, late on summer nights at the local ponds. Good times!
My daughter's taken up archery, but hasn't yet expressed an interest in bowhunting. Maybe this will whet her appetite...
; )
Hope the little girl is encouraged to keep that predatory attitude. Good for her Mom, letting her have a bow and arrows.
Stealth incarnate - in pink boots no less! Adorable. I'd happily hunt with her someday.
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