(My other favorites are the '57 Chevy and the Citroen Traction Avant-- but remember, I also love Winchester Model 12 pumps and Darnes).
So how could I not be delighted when I found out that Morgan was bringing out this retro 3- wheeler. Is it a car or a motorcycle? Who cares!

Website here. Review here.
Real men, of course, locomote in cars with only two wheels:
Hi Steve
Morgan's survive on English Eccentrics with money to burn , but the Eights are Tasty!....................
Remember: Four wheels good; Two wheels bad...
Hi Steve
Quote should, of course , have been 4 wheels good; 3 wheels bad!!
Looks like it would be a swell training cart for sled dogs!...L.B.
Hi Steve
There is a reason why ATV's "grew"an extra wheel!!....My first car was a three wheeeeld Bond , with a 197cc 2 stroke engine which you kick started with the bonnet up! - It should have been fun, but was unbelievably dangerous ( and unreliable )... so I bought an Austin A30!...much better , and have stuck with 4 wheels ever snce.....
3 wheel Morgans are very good in the long run!
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