Taik after a run-- pretty good shape for a girl of a "certain age"...
"Stuff is eaten by dogs, broken by family and friends, sanded down by the wind, frozen by the mountains, lost by the prairie, burnt off by the sun, washed away by the rain. So you are left with dogs, family, friends, sun, rain, wind, prairie and mountains. What more do you want?" Federico Calboli
Wow, she's beautiful!
Ataika is related to Vladimirs Adel, isn't she? Our Nazgul, Adels daughter, has something of the same look. Tho Nazgul has a big fat head.
Eight is not old! Go, Ataika! (And her people.)
Jess-- yes, and a first set of photos headed yr way. Email when you get 'em.
I presume you all had the chile-cheeseburgers at the Owl?
Totally unrelated but something I thought you'd appreciate - this link to a series of photos featuring a battle of falcon vs snake in the Snake River:
JH-- as Canat Cheryasda would say. "offcouse!"
Janeen- neat pix. I do believe the "falcon" is an immature redtail (the snake a bull or "gopher").
Good to see you out and about!
Isn't 8 the new 4 in dog years now? I have a 9(almost 10) Salmon-bred longdog that is still quite vigorous and active! My desert bred Saluki and Azawakh were also quite functional up to their last year(13 and 11, respectively). And at 52 myself, I aim to try to live up to the quote from one of my favorite movies "The Wind And The Lion" about Sean Connery's character, the Raisuli, "last" of the Barbary Pirates(paraphrased here)--"He's over 50, and still quite the formidable brigand!"....L.B.
LB-- I think it depends on the breeding. Atai's family is incredibly long lived-- I should post a pic of her at about 3 months with her 15 year old mom, who I believe lived to nearly 20, the day we met her in Almaty. I believe her grandmother, another compact little dog, also lived about that long.
Lashyn on the other hand, not yet 12, has been slowed down for years, and now has diabetes and cataracts. Lurcher Plummer is 2 years older and fat and a bit creaky but otherwise still thinks he is a pup.
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