"Stuff is eaten by dogs, broken by family and friends, sanded down by the wind, frozen by the mountains, lost by the prairie, burnt off by the sun, washed away by the rain. So you are left with dogs, family, friends, sun, rain, wind, prairie and mountains. What more do you want?"
Federico Calboli
Saturday, March 24, 2012
But this has to stop
Zombies. Zombie targets?
ZOMBIE FRICKIN' TEDDYBEARS? Call me old- fashioned but I would rather my grandson did not play with the facsimile of a rotting bear corpse. I'd almost rather the real thing.
I would assume these are for "adults only"! Adults can have "fun" with teddy bears, too you know! Reminds me of the time I and some of my SICK, SICK friends from Wolf Park Indiana that were visiting did to a bunch of innocent teddies--we videotaped the action, too, and made a sort-of "mockumentary"--I wish I had a copy on DVD(my old VCR copy is long dead....)--but we brutally shot one teddy, caught another in a steel jaw trap, threw another to my pack of dogs(including several wolf-hybrids and huskies--after smearing it with turkey grease to be sure and get a savage response!) and even ran over another(at HIGH speed) on the highway in front of my house! It was hilarious, IF you have a kind of dark sense of humor! And even though they were just teddies, I'm sure PETA fans would NOT be amused......
But grandson can play with cuddly Nyarlathotep when we visit, right?
In Canat's phrase, "Offcouse!"
I would assume these are for "adults only"! Adults can have "fun" with teddy bears, too you know! Reminds me of the time I and some of my SICK, SICK friends from Wolf Park Indiana that were visiting did to a bunch of innocent teddies--we videotaped the action, too, and made a sort-of "mockumentary"--I wish I had a copy on DVD(my old VCR copy is long dead....)--but we brutally shot one teddy, caught another in a steel jaw trap, threw another to my pack of dogs(including several wolf-hybrids and huskies--after smearing it with turkey grease to be sure and get a savage response!) and even ran over another(at HIGH speed) on the highway in front of my house! It was hilarious, IF you have a kind of dark sense of humor! And even though they were just teddies, I'm sure PETA fans would NOT be amused......
No problem with that, Lane. I JUST HATE ZOMBIES!!!
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