Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Spring Snow

Storm came in very early this morning and left us with about four inches. It's hard to believe that it was 82 degrees and 5 percent humidity only day before yesterday. Welcome to spring in the Rockies.

And of course the peach trees bloomed over the weekend. Doesn't bode well for our crop this year. Last year, though, they didn't bloom at all.

Cash and Buck think the snow is a blast. They've exhausted themselves playing chase and rolling in it.

Big sister Sadie likes playing in the snow, too. This won't be around long. It's mid-afternoon and already up to 40 degrees.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

I live in Upstate NY. I can't recall ever having to mow the lawn in March. Not ever. But I had to this year. My redbud trees, which normally bloom in May, have buds.