Sunday, May 05, 2013

Drinkable.... MAUSER?

When I got to the last wrapping of an anonymous package last week, the outline of my last unfulfilled firearm desideratum appeared: the unmistakable profile of a '96 Mauser "Broomhandle". Could some anonymous admirer have sent me (illegally, but I wasn't worried-- it had passed inspection)  the gun used by Winston Churchill in the "River War", the sidearm of T. E. Lawrence, of  Karamojo Bell (he shot down a German plane with one in the Great War);  of ornithologist Salim Ali, and of two fictional heroes: Geofffrey Household's Charles Dennim (in Watcher in the shadows),  and Michael Gruber's Jane Doe  (in Tropic of Night)?

It was a bottle of Vodka!
Sent by the ever- stylish adventurer and firearms scholar Bruce Douglas, here seen with liquid AND steel broomhandles.


Chas S. Clifton said...

You have many good friends, but apparently none of them would send you a working C96! Enjoy the vodka.

Steve Bodio said...

I don't know what the vodka costs but a pristine 96 Ron is selling is priced over $2000, and a dangerously flawed one I had was %700. That MAY have something to do with it...

Dave said...

If I walked into a house where someone was drinking directly from the flask, it would give me a heart-attack.

Anonymous said...

Ah, that is delightful...

Jim Cornelius

Jonathan Hanson said...

I wondered what secret thing Bruce wanted to send you that required a street address for Fed-Ex.

Dave's comment was hilarious.

The Suburban Bushwacker said...

A shop down the road had the AK I'll try to take you a picture. SBW