Friday, October 14, 2005

Microchip everything!

Eveyone interested in keeping domestic animals should read this post on animal control and the "PAWS" bill. The odd alliance of the AKC, the HSUS, and the worst of all, PETA, are lining up with the support of "conservative" presidential hopeful Rick Santorum in a bid to control all domestic cat and dog breeding and eventually, apparently, microchip EVERYTHING. If you have any interest in backyard breeding, closeness to animals, limited government, the preservation of small old non- commercial gene lines, or just plain freedom, write your congresscritter NOW. The link was sent to me by the ultra- respectable SAOVA (Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance) and is the best treatment yet I have seen of this proposed law.

"Dog Politics" says:

"Do you think the AKC and PETA and the HSUS  have now found a common cause - are they now sharing the love?   Do they love Rick Santorum.  Does he love them back?

"I'll tell you what kind of love they'll be sharing - the green kind. It's called money. 

"Fuggetaboutit - there's ONLY ONE question that truly matters:

"Will the PAWS bill further endanger our freedom, our privacy, our constitutional rights?"

...and he goes on to show us how it will. I confess I can be dubious about money ALWAYS being the cause of political alliances, but he makes quite a case.

For more of my posts on animal control go here and here (microchipping livestock) and here.

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