Hereis a conservative if quirky blogger who shares some of my doubts expessed below about conservatives who want to remake the world. Money quote:
"The designs of the neocons are so appallingly far fetched because they are infected with the same Rousseauvian fantasy of the worst leftist excess. Strip away the layers of socialization they say, and you’ll find a human as gentle as a lamb and as pliable as clay, and no two so different of ability that one can’t be substituted for the other provided the environment is controlled for. Reality refutes this notion daily, at home and abroad. The defenders of this pernicious fantasy grow shriller and more emphatic the more evident reality becomes. Courage is needed more than ever.
What we need are some old fashioned liberals and not-so-neoconservatives, with their quaint patrician values of respect for the limits of good intentions. Not every well intended idea, regardless of how noble it sounds, has a basis in reality.
"Nearly every sensible person at this point recognizes the folly of Marxism. Now it's time to stop gloating over that failure and apply its lesson to ourselves. Because in the end it’s not really the ideology, but the human heart which leads us into disaster."
(Generally, by the way, I object to the "Neocon" label-- it means too many different things to too many people. But the point he makes stands, for me).
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