Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tulane Revives

In our first post-Hurricane Katrina post I mentioned that I am an alumnus of Tulane University in New Orleans, and expressed concerns about its survival after the storm. The university was indeed dealt a body-blow and suspended classes for the fall semester. Fortunately the school is located in the Garden District in one of the areas of higher (for New Orleans) elevation and was not subjected to the high degree of flood damage that other areas of the city were.

This piece in the LA Times describes Tulane's reopening for the Spring semester. That is great to see and I admire some of the creative planning that it took. For example, as public schools are not going to reopen in that area for some time, Tulane has taken over a school building near campus and will operate it for the children of the faculty. Also, Tulane is taking in faculty and students from Xavier and Dillard Universities, which are located in areas of town that were heavily flood damaged. Hopefully, prospective students for Tulane won't be put off by its location in the storm-ravaged city, but will be stimulated to be part of the rebuilding process.

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