Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Artificial Elephants

Perhaps the oddest things to buy I have ever seen. I saw this in one of the high- end sporting mags, the ones Libby calls "gun porn". The ad copy is even odder: "KR reproductions are completely bug resistant and guaranteed not to crack, split or have any other problems associated with the use of a real elephant skin".

Wonder what it costs? (No I don't, don't want to know). Soon to come: robotics and, apparently, a T- rex.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what's lurking around in your parts, but around here we're pretty used to fiberglas deer, horses, cows, bison, and motorized dinos, although they only leave the nonmotorized ones outside. They don't seem to weather particularly well. Problems with paint.

    I myself have two tree faces in place, one with a wild platinum blonde hairdo that I found in a parking lot. They're pretty subtle -- people tend not to notice, but the hair blowing in the wind sometimes attracts their eyes. Then they stand a stare.

    It's become fashionable to buy a bunch of bison, horse, or pig "blanks" and issue them to artists to decorate for municipal festivals. You have to think up a cute title. The results are amazing. I don't think anyone has done elephants yet.


    Prairie Mary


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