Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Terrierman and The Mammoth in the Hedge

I wanted to recommend this wonderful post by Terrierman that he put up last week while our blog was on its mysterious outage. The title alone is wonderful and it is a meditation on how humans need to take a long term view (10,000 years at least) of our species and our planet. In a serious, yet entertaining and original way he ties together mammoths, the World Series, Paul Ehrlich, the Osage Orange, sports betting, Julian Simon, the Boston Red Sox, Clovis points, The Whole Earth Catalog, the Honey Locust, Freeman Dyson, Ted Danson, Thomas Malthus, and the World Cup.

To use a phrase I first heard from Libby Bodio, I think we can safely say that Patrick Burns has a "bouncing brain." In the very best sense of the term!

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