Thursday, January 25, 2007

Eating Hares

The post below reminded me that I never posted pics of our hare meal a couple ofweeks ago.

Here are four quarters of hound- caught hare, courtesy of John Burchard and his dogs.

Tigger is becoming extremely intelligent-- John tells me she is learning to read.

As you can see, utterly un- shredded by the eevil predators.

We marinated it in good things:

And let it bubble away on the woodstove for hours.

Unfortunately, we were so hungry when it was ready we forgot to take "finished" pics!


Matt Mullenix said...


A couple weekends ago on a hunting trip out of town, I fried up a couple cottontails for the hawking party. In attendance were the dog and hawk who provided each bunny, respectively. The meal was fine by itself, but good friends and good animals made it all the better.

Rebecca, we ate the bigger of Rina's two bunnies from our day in the field.

Reid Farmer said...

That's an awfully smart dog learning to read so quickly! Has she started Russian lessons yet?

Steve Bodio said...

I know-- only 8 months old!

I beleive her mother started on her on Ukrainian and her father and aunt on Kazakh and russian.