Monday, November 24, 2008

Web Miscellany

The US faces an invasion from another alien species, the Madagascar hissing cockroach.

In Rome, the city government is attempting to deal with a starling investation with a team of starling stalkers. Apparently with mixed results. I believe I know some falconers who'd be willing to take on the job for the $187,000 the city spends on this annually.

After my post on the post-post ironic decor at an LA nightspot, you should probably read this NY Times piece, "Irony Is Dead. Again. Yeah, Right."

In this interview, Annie Proulx indicates she's looking to leave Wyoming. Her surprise opinion on her famous story, "Brokeback Mountain": "I wish I'd never written it."

I thought this recipe for pear-blackberry pie sounded wonderful. I'll give it a try later this week.

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