Sunday, November 28, 2010

Amarillo 2010

I spent last week hawking in Amarillo, Texas.  More pics to come as they filter in from friends, but here are a few from a jackrabbit hunt toward the end of the week.  This one flushed close in high cover, which is a good situation for a male Harris hawk like mine (jacks outweigh him about 7-1).  Ernie was on it before he knew quite how big it was.  I fell into the mix to lend a hand as fast as possible.  And shortly after, Chris Lynn's female Harris came in to assist as well.  In one picture below we attempt to sort out the knot. (photos by Eric Edwards)


Cat Urbigkit said...

I love these hunt photos, especially the one with you on the ground untangling the two birds/one prey party. I confess to have fallen in love with Harris hawks now, after my recent encounters with one. I never realized what it would be like to hunt with such a social, cooperative raptor. Amazing. Could be addictive.

Matt Mullenix said...

Thanks Cat--they're a lot of fun, no question about it.