I can however, appreciate ironic variants on the theme - like this one I saw in eastern Oregon last summer.
Light blogging for me this week. I am in Tucson at the 69th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference. I'm presenting a paper on an Early Ceramic period site that we excavated in northeastern Colorado last year. I'll blog about that later.
If I could get about 300 sheep of various sizes like that, I'd do that too! We have one ranch truck, called "The Governor," that probably has about 100 bumper stickers all over it. It's an old 454 Chevy flatbed, with a huge dent in the door where Bambino, our Hereford bull, rubbed his butt against it ...
Cat, if you call a huge hereford bull Bambino, you maybe deserve a dent in your reliable chevy for that!
I also call my very large son Bambino.
It started when I watched "Bambino" Bud Spencer in the spaghetti western "Trinity is Still My Name." He's huge, but he's still someone's baby!
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