Friday, July 01, 2016

Gunny in native dress

Gunny, Tina Garfield's Anatolian, is the biggest dog we know, bigger even than other flock protection dogs.  Libby used  to weigh him on the postal  scales when he was a  baby. He thinks he still  fits on it.

 Tina just got him a proper Turkish dress collar. He doesn't quite know  what to make of it...


Anonymous said...

It's BEAUTIFUL dog regalia, for sure, but I can understand the less-than-enthusiastic look on his face. As a Livestock Protection Dog, it's kinda hard for any wolves or coyotes(much less bears or cougars) to take him seriously in that get-up!.....L.B.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve, It's Michael & Mary Lou Conca here. We tried dialing you back but could not get through. Please call us again. ~Much Love~ from Massachusetts