Thursday, August 31, 2017


This will be one illo by Eldridge Hardie from a new collection of the works of North Dakota poet and hunter Tim Murphy. He and El gave it to me! I have been a fan of Eldridge's work for at least as long as the old Gray's that we both worked at existed. I brought a copy of the late Datus Proper's Pheasants of the Mind, among my favorites of both their works, and was pleased to hear, in our too- short Denver visit, that he had also hunted with Datus. They met in Arizona for quail; Datus and I used to out of Bozeman for quick day trips after Gray partridge...


Lucas Machias said...

Hardie is good. You don't see much of his work in public anymore. It goes direct to buyers. A sign that he is top dog now.

Peculiar said...


Steve Bodio said...

Jack: It IS nice, isn't it? The amazing thing is that at around 80 it is his FIRST, drawn from some shots of Siberian falconers' birds hunting in Montana. It will go with another poem dedicated to me