Friday, July 15, 2005

Raptor Education Foundation

The REF is a delightfully politically INcorrect conservation foundation based in Denver and dedicated to the birds of prey we all love, founded by artist, entrepreneur, and raptorphile Peter (Petro Aleksandrovich) Reshetniak. I am currently working with them on several projects-- click on their link to the book Fidget's Freedom to see the illustrations by our friend Vadim Gorbatov, and to see photos of us all after a raptor- themed show at the Gerald Peters Gallery in Santa Fe featuring Tony Angell, Lars Jonsson, and Tom Quinn.

There are an abundance of other delights at REF too. Especially cool are the T- Shirts featuring bald eagles (see Graphic blogs) with slogans defending our borders and attacking targets as various as Senator Byrd, Ward Churchill (read Peter's hilarious letter to the chancellor at Boulder), AND Creationism. Not what you expect from your average enviro site...

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