Looks rather like her, complete with Camel (cigarette not mammal).
Then Peculiar picked it up from her. How appropriate: an angry Crusader with a Tuareg (or is it Ninja?) turban and a chainsaw:

So of course I had to do it. They have allowed me a big shotgun, a bigger book, and a mountain landscape. Mrs. Q. says the expression resembles mine when I hear about the latest A. R. offense. Beware, Peahtah! My powder is dry and my info sources impeccable....

More soon: Matt, and if we can convince him to do it, Reid.
Here's Matt (approximately), with his twins on t-shirt, old jeans, ancient jacket and shades scratched from being stuffed into hawking bag. Could be morning or evening depending on which cup I'm drinking from.
What actually, is Pluvialis doing to that Teddy Bear?
I just showed these to Maggie (aged 5) who said of Pluvalis, "She looks like a girl! And she's furry! And that's a very cute teddy bear."
I didn't tell her what the straight razor was for. And actually, I don't know.... Yea, Pluvalis? Waht ARE your doing with that bear?
Uhhh-- I think that's a tanto- style combat knife Matt-- MUCH more innocent weapon!
I went onto that site and started to build a Southpark Reid but got stuck on tools or weapons. There's no shovel or trowel or even a camera.
Who needs tools and weapons when you have several choices of alcoholic drinks, Reid?
Touareg, definitely, not ninja. I suppose I should declare that this character was simply the most amusing thing I developed, not a conscious effort to portray myself. I can't say I'm much of a crusader. Although paranoid, secretive, infiltrative are fair enough.
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