Monday, October 23, 2006

Andy Rooney, Latter Day Vegetarian

I'm probably in the last generation of people who could pick Andy Rooney out of a line-up; he and my two late grandfathers are WWII contemporaries. I've known Rooney's face and his voice all my life, and I've always liked him. How could you not like such a gruff old contrarian, eyebrows and all?

Sure, many find him annoying. And for a time (perhaps a whole decade), the network seemed to have him staged as a kind of pet, reduced almost to slapstick. He was too old I guess to seem relevant and too young to be taken seriously.

Now Andy's back, older than ever and still rumpled-looking in high definition. His new role makes him kind of an elder statesman, and it suits him. I still like him. But what's this all about?

(Click link and play clip, "Food For Thought")


Anonymous said...

I think the old fart just likes to stir the pot. I happened to miss this piece. Like you Matt, Andy Rooney has been a fixture in my tv viewing life for as long as I can remember. 60 Minutes was a staple in our house growing up. It always sparked significant debate in our very liberal household and provoked dialogue with the television - you know - where you start talking to the commentator, arguing with the commnetator or yelling at the commentator even though he or she can't hear you! TV watching was an interactive pastime in our house when I was a kid.

Matt Mullenix said...

Connie it was the same at my house (my folks STILL yell and scoff at the TV, but now it's at FOX News.)

Seems like when I was growing up there was only 60 Minutes and Saturday cartoons on the tube. I guess we've...progressed(?)

For all I know, Andy Rooney is a PETA member. But if so, he'd be my favorite one.