Sunday, October 22, 2006

Some More on Shamans in Coso Rock Art

I wanted to add some more pictures to the Shamans and Coso Rock Art post below but ran into the usual Blogger content limitations, so I'll put a little more up in this post. As I mentioned below, it's theorized that some of the rock art in Little Petroglyph Canyon is there to record what shamans saw during their vision quests. As one walks the length of the canyon, one can see a number of small cleared areas, stone circles if you will, along the sides of the canyon. Here is a picture of one of these above. These could be places where vision quests were conducted. They are often close to their rock art representations. If you look closely in this picture just to the left of center you can see a square geometrical petroglyph, perhaps one of the entoptic vision shapes described by Whitley.

Petroglyphs such as the one above.....

......and the shapes that cover this boulder are representative of what Whitley talks about as the shapes seen in entoptic visions. These are common throughout the area.

There are also a number of anthropomorphs, like this little bowman, who have more than the normal five digits. Apparently the hallucination of extra digits is common during shamanistic trances.

1 comment:

Heidi the Hick said...


Couldn't resist!

Love these posts!