Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Colonel Cooper and Wolves

After posting the remembrance of Jeff Cooper below, I decided to dig up our correspondence. I had written him complimenting this essay and recommending the flight of eagle against wolf as one of the 'great hunts'. He replied on 6 august 2002:

"Certainly falconry must be included among the great hunting experiences. The activity, however, is entirely beyond my ken, so I have no comments to make upon it.I will not, however, hold still where the wolf is the target, unles you are speaking of cubs. For a bird to kill a wolf is one of those things "I gotta see".

"However, I do take note, and I appreciate your interest.

Jeff Cooper"

I responded with more material and received the following:

"Puppies perhaps. Hundred pounders, Unlikely.


This is the photo I sent:

(pic captured from Kazakh website)


Matt Mullenix said...

THAT ain't no puppy.

Reid Farmer said...

Sorry Rebecca, we demand proof!

Congrats on your new book, by the way!!!

Matt Mullenix said...

Reid I already asked for a picture of Rebecca's meaty parts and she demured.

What's a prematurely dirty old man like me to do?