Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Two Modes

Posting will likely continue light for a few weeks. I am either doing this:

Or this:


Heidi the Hick said...

Yay! Steve Bodio is a Mac user!!!

I'm doing some of that too. Wanna race?

Heidi the Hick said...

Almost forgot-

I got a look at the article on elephants that you mentioned earlier. wow. They are such incredible animals. I felt the tragedy of their broken social structure but I felt hopeful that, like us, they can heal themselves with the right kind of help.

Steve Bodio said...

To Hedi-- always!

To Rebecca: a collection of travel essays is the second-- doing it to please myself as I wait. I'll send you something and the proposal when I finish.

Reid Farmer said...

That is a Mac, Heidi. But I know from experience that the keyboard is set up for "hunt and peck" only!

Steve Bodio said...

Hah! I'm the fastest two- finger typist in the West (except maybe Peculiar).

Anonymous said...

Louis L'Amour once made that same claim (seriously).

Not that I am comparing you to Louis L'Amour.