Friday, February 09, 2007

Around the Web...

... first, then a bit more. Some new work completed to deadline-- more about it when accepted. And maybe it is time to announce that there is a book contract in play. Or maybe I'm crazy to even mention it, since it has been in negotiation since September with no resolution (I will NOT answer questions yet!)


Chas has an interesting post indicating a Central Asian origin for skiing. I snarkily commented that everything originated in the Altai; Peculiar did me one better by linking to several of my posts demonstrating this thesis (be sure to click on each separate word in the phrase "anything good they didn't invent")

I keep insisting that eagles are serious predators. At Never Yet Melted, David Zincavage links to a story about two Wedge- tailed eagles attacking a paraglider. I am not shocked.

Bad news; A typical jury (no comment) has found the PETA functionaries who lied about their intentions and killed and dumped 83 adoptable dogs and cats innocent of animal cruelty. If killing AND EATING chickens is "Holocaust on a plate" what in God's name is surreptitiously killing 83 animals and putting them in a dumpster? Maybe it's OK if you just throw them away (with the best of motives) and don't eat them. Read The Whole Thing, please. O tempora!

More Decline and Fall. Could this be the most amazing piece of post- modern Brit wimpery yet? Advice from Tony McNulty, the "Minister for Police and Security", on what to do if you see an old lady being mugged:

"Jeremy: You see a young man looking aggressive, shouting at an old woman, what do you do? You retreat and ring the police?

"Tony McNulty: I think you should in the first instance. It may well be the simply shouting at them, blowing your horn or whatever else deters them and they go away.

"Jeremy: He’s now hitting her and the police haven’t come, what do you do then?

"Tony McNulty: The same the same, you must always ...

"Jeremy: Still wait?

"Tony McNulty: Get back to the police, try some distractive activities whatever else.

"Jeremy: What, jump up and down?

"Tony McNulty: But I would say you know, sometimes that that may well work."

And, to leave you on a cheerier note: John Carlson of Prairie Ice has just returned to Montana from the Antarctic via Chile and Florida. Enjoy his cultural, ecological, and climactic jet lag!

1 comment:

Neutrino Cannon said...

Can you imagine the impoverishment of Europe were it not for the markets of Samarkand (metonymistically, of course)? The poor buggers would have to hunt foxes with pointy sticks on foot for lack of stirrups, horses and dogs! They did manage to invent tweed, however.

-R. Arthur Wilderson