Inspired by Doc Hypercube's bookshelf series, I sent him a slice of one of mine and then turned the camera to my desktop. How many objects here can you identify?

The bejewelled crane skull is the work of local artist and friend Yvonne Magener. She may have a website and if so I'll add a link later. Her horse skulls are particularly stunning.

The bejewelled crane skull is the work of local artist and friend Yvonne Magener. She may have a website and if so I'll add a link later. Her horse skulls are particularly stunning.

Cave bear paw on the left ? I would had a chance of buying an entire REAL articulated cave bear skeleton for $15,000, and I could kick myself for not having plunked the cash down. Worth 3 times that.
I'm going to say the small skull behind it is a raccoon skull minus the mandible, but its hard to tell from this angle as the maxilla is shortened due to the angle.
Right on one for the first--Ural cave bear paw, Christmas present from Peculiar a few years ago (it's real--- notice the "thumb" has become disarticulated).
The other is not a raccoon- as you say the angle is bad. But you got the HARD one!
I know that the 2 curvy, tan items next to the bear paw are seed pods from a plant we used to call "cat's claws" or "devil's horns". When I was a kid in El Paso, TX we would stick 3 together, the one in the middle with its "legs" up. Add a couple eyes and some felt pieces and they looked like giant mosquitos!
Also see a couple Asborno bells behind and to the right of the crane skulls. (I still have my first pair that I bought direct from Pete for my first RT! I treasure them).
Scott in MN
Right on both!
Dear Mr Bodio,
This is not about the post but I just wanted to send you a note.
A couple of years ago I traveled in Kazakhstan. Today a magazine arrived
from a friend there. This magazine is title NOMAD Kazakhstan and is in Russian, Kazakh, and English and is about many things I love. There are stories on the history and culture of the Kazakh people. There is a nice story with several pictures of eagle falconers. This story mentions using Tazy with eagles in hunting together.
There is a section on the guard dog “Tobet” that makes mention of hunting with Tazy and Tobet together.
At the beginning of the guard dog section there is a Kazakh creation
legend of old.
...after shaping a human being from clay the Lord went to get soul
and left a dog to guard his creation. A Shaitan had an intention to
destroy what the Lord had created. But the dog did not allow him.
Angry Shaitan directed freezing wind on it. The Dog, which did not
have hair at that time, was frozen. Shaitan had no time to destroy
the Human Being, he just spit at him several times sending diseases
and misfortune to him. The Lord returned and drove the Shaitan away.
He put soul in the Human Being, and gave warm hair to the Dog for its
faithful service.
Thought you might enjoy
Pat Nolan
OK, one of the pictures is of Teddy Moritz holding a gray fox. I am going to guess that the skull is coyote simply because of the area you are in.
Patrick B-- right on the first-- she also holds dachshunds and is accompanied by a Hancock lurcher, a relative of my Plummer. And it is a red fox.
Pat Nolan-- where can I get this magazine?
Thought that might be Teddy - was thinking of her while reading Gazehounds and Coursing yesterday - there's a passage about earthdogs and lurchers that fits her like a glove.
I think your desk is full of beautiful objects, and that is so important for inspiration!
Mine is just a mess at the moment...
(We had a very exciting experience last weekend. I'd like you fellas to come over and read about it! I unmasked us, but after this I'm back to the regularly scheduled horse manure postings!)
Dear Mr Bodio,
the magazine is published by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Almaty, 38, Ably khan str. office 328
I'll loan you my copy if you'd like.
Pat Nolan
Sorry, I forgot the version
No 1 (7) 2006
Pat Nolan
Thanks, Pat. I'll try through email (also asked a Kazakkh friend to look). If that doesn't work may take you up on the loan offer.
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