Dr. Hypercube mentioned his book pile in passing, and I told him I had not one but several. I love seeing what others are reading and asume readers of this site like the idea, too. So:

Also a bookcase slice I took a while back. Obvious what part of the library this is taken in. I should add that this is the front row-- there is another vertical stack behind. It is a small house...
On the last picture, you can almost hear the shelf GROOOAN beneath the pressure.
I don't know, it looks like you might be a little short on reading material. Have you seen the article on elk (red stag) hunting in Kazakhstan in the latest Bugle?
Dammit, now I'll have to get that too (:-<)
Actually I can only get it easily from friends-- could you scan & send?
Have I ever told you how much I love getting glimpses of your books????
(You also seem to have some interesting furniture and fabrics!)
I have only two book piles right now: To Be Read, beside my desk, and Being Read, beside my bed.
I have a double stacked shelf too, but on my big bookshelf there are a couple of shelves with pictures and yes, horse models, instead of books. I really don't believe I have enough books yet. But I'm working on it and I get better at hoarding them all the time...
Can & will send, no problem.
Anxious to hear your impression of "The Ruby in Her Navel." Also, Connie and I enjoyed "Life is Meals." We've never talked about James Salter. I find him very uneven. "The Hunters" and "Solo Faces" were good books, but most of the others put me to sleep. I enjoyed his memoir, "Burning the Days". Some life.
Haven't finished Ruby yet but like it.
Agree re Salter, though I find his writing interesting even when he misses-- I like that tangled NY lives one though often I didn't know what was happening!
Salter and his wife are close friends of Jackson's grandfather Jack Frishman and his wife Belinda (who appears several times in the book). That is an inscribed copy.
I really don't believe I have enough books yet
Heidi - NOBODY has enough books yet! And are those Breyer horses?
Steve - agree that Salter is an excellent prose stylist under all circumstances. I guess its just how he puts stories together.
And once again you prove that you know EVERYBODY!
One can never have enough bookSHELVES!
My "pile" is five shelves high and three are double stacked....this is not counting the "pile" of book on tape that I keep in the car. How do nonreaders manage?
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