Sunday, March 13, 2011

Separated at Birth?

I finally figured out who the Roman- nosed Chinese "Xigou" hounds reminded me of: the late Edward Gorey's Doubtful Guest. Look at those profiles!


Jess said...

They remind me a bit of Set, with cropped ears:

Peculiar said...

"That morning it came down to breakfast and ate
All the syrup, french toast and part of a plate...."

Hmmm..... fairly tazi-ish.

Anna Lear said...

Holy cow, you're right! I grew up on Gorey books (which surely explains a lot) and still find them endlessly fascinating.

Steve Bodio said...

Me too. And Peculiar obviously. And the one I scanned is a first ed I inherited from Betsy. Generations.

The Bozeman folks sometimes called us (Me, Lib, Peculiar) The Addams Family. We wore the label with pride. Maybe not too many people there manifested interests in art, climbing, opera, and guns to name a very few of ours...

Helayne said...

My rescued sighthound mix Frida (Saluki and Borzoi, and I'm not ruling out a bit of Afghan--she hops)shares that profile: