Mmmyes. Karaoke night at the Spur. Cody Henderson -- his father is Lee, who owns the ranch we hunt on, and his mother was born Lorraine Lopez -- as Cupid, about to sing "Landslide" with Linda (Rael) Mansell, born in Taos and married into my mentor's clan, who caters the food at the Spur.

Lee, with Gorbatov quail:

Cody and Linda singing.

Libby with Alexis "Pookie" Mansell, granddaughter of my mentor Floyd and daughter of Phil Mansell and Linda. She's 16 and helps her mother at the cafe. You want multicutural? Her mother is northern NM Spanish (it's alleged that Rael is an old converso name; "Ysrael"--?) Her dad is Arkansas Scots-Irish hillbilly and Lebanese on his paternal side; his mother is Navajo and Choctaw.

I'm afraid if I went into a bar(you know, just to yooz the phone, er the bathroom er summthin'), and the first thang I saw wuz a feller dresst up like Cupid(and I don't care WHUT time a year it wuz!), I'd skeddaddle right quick, an try to find summwarz else to yooz a phone er toylitt. Not that thar's innythang rong wid that, ah'm jist sayin'.....L.B.
I am laughing because Cody is one tough kid-- ranch- raised, cowboy, pretty wild when he was younger, now a seasonal elite "Hot Shot" forest firefighter, which is about as hard core as you can go. You wouldn't want to get in a bar fight with him, and conversely you would like him on your side. Perhaps only someone with that kind of "cred" can dress like Cupid in a cowboy bar....
Hey now! Ain't nobody said nuthin' 'bout gittin in no bar fight!!! I reeeeeal peaceful like. And if summbody else jumps me as I'm headin' out the door, and Cupid comes to my rescue, well then, I'll just have to reconsider my first impression somewhat!...L.B.
....besides, think how terribly embarrassing it would be to git beat up by somebody in a Cupid costume.....L.B.
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