Sunset-- let's go in-- back door. (Front is for package)...

The bar decor, after a brief interregnum we won't talk about, is Western, with a historical photo gallery...

Plenty of conversation but not busy yet.

That was Montana Pettis. He is a bartender, as are Luke Martin and Cat Aragon (she is also a teacher with a master's degree).

Montana's father Darryl, left, is the present owner; Steve Grayson, right, had the place for nearly 30 years and is in a scene toward the end of Q- the- Book:

Steve and Colleen Grayson are also the parents of occasional (and too infrequent) Q- Blogger Phil, busy living the literary and teaching life in NYC, after stints in Turkey and Poland.

One more customer: John Paul Jones Apachito aka "Paul Jones", one of my oldest friends and a man of many parts. He is Alamo Navajo and Apache, a father and grandfather, a former track star and present coach; and the only person I know who during his summer vacation will pay to go to advanced math workshops for fun. He writes equations on bar napkins...

I am only getting started...
Reminds me of when you and I went to a bar in Mass. Only time I was ever carded - at 25 or so years. We went back to your place so I could get my license - and then the curmudgeon wouldn't accept it because it was out of state and "looked suspicious".
I'm in Salida CO now - 6000 people at 7000 ft elevation.
Thinking of you and appreciating your huge writing talents.
Thanks Jody! Email is "ebodio- at- gilanet- dot- com"-- drop a line?
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