The reason for the Khyber Pass falconer- with- Gos in "Teaser", below, is that Michael spent a good bit of his youth in Afghanistan before war tore its ancient and (if perilously) balanced society apart, as did several of my friends from the west and one long distance falconry mentor, Sirdar M Osman.
John Lockwood Kipling, Rudyard's father and the model for the old curator of the "Treasure House" in Kim, wrote about Punjabi and"Border" Goshawk falconry in Man and Beast in India, here, with Pakistani bell and Afghan snuffbox of Lapis:


So once again shared interests and the mysteries of the Intarwebz connect old friends; unbelievably, an incoming message from him crossed mine to him in the same ten- minute period. Michael at 65 in VA, in the style of Picasso; his "Art" side? He also has a self- portrait in his other persona, as Edwardian fly fishing giant and "father of nymph fishing" G E M Skues; if he sends it I'll post...
Is there a recipe of Gos and Claret? I'd love to tie some.
If he doesn't remember I could get a real photographer to photo it and probably anyone competent could reconstruct; it is a simple soft- hackled wet fly.
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