Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Friday, March 02, 2018


My stepson Jackson Frishman, a formidably literate outdoorsman, dedicated conservationist, and life- long explorer of The Big Empty, has a new column in Mountain Journal: here He is already known for his wonderful photos; now perhaps his writing will get the attention it deserves too
He also says some embarrassingly nice things about me.
"My stepfather, the nature writer Stephen Bodio who was based in Bozeman for years, taught me to see beauty in less obviously spectacular landscapes, to look beyond superlatives like highest and deepest and steepest, and focus instead on a place's ecology, seasonal rhythms, historical connections."

Friday, December 09, 2016

Domenic "Doc" Conca, DDS- 1925- 2016, R.I.P.: on Conca's Lawn.

 One of my unmentioned mentors died at 91 a couple of days ago: Dr Domenic Conca of Randolph, Massachusetts.

 “Doc” was the father of my oldest friend, Michael Conca, who was my schoolmate from first grade through my first year in college (BC: I dropped out), as well as my housemate and partner in a firewood business in the wintry January Hills west of the Quabbin Reservoir an east of the Connecticut valley, one of the wildest parts of Massachusetts, for several years, during my second attempt at higher education; he lives there still, with his wife Mary Lou; more of his story later...

Mike at Rick Rozen's in Golfito, Costa Rica; Mike and Mary Lou a couple of years ago at Karen and George's.

"Doc"' as we called him--- his contemporaries preferred "Dom"-- was born in Rhode Island and went to Tufts. .There he met the love of his life and perfect  partner, "Rose" or sometimes "Ro": Ella Rose Simon, who was working as a secretary at the University. They married on June 30, 1948 at Saint Agnes Church in Arlington, MA. Rose was a Lutheran of Hungarian descent, but converted to Catholicism...
Doc was a dentist and a cultivated man, with a bunch of pleasing contradictions. He was the first man with a beard I knew outside of the the tonsured, sandaled  Franciscan monks whose monastery was south of Brush Hill Road in Milton, Mass, where  our weird Catholic private school,  Jeanne d'Arc Academy, was housed in Frances Hamrstrom's  childhood  estate on the north side of the same road). The old Flint ballroom to the right of the entry was our chapel, still with its enormous cut glass chandelier.
Jeanne d'Arc/ Slater- Flint mansion by Elva Paulsen, Fran's daughter
He was also the first man I knew who cooked, seriously;  he was a New England Republican; he was a motorcyclist, a recreational pilot late in life, and an unabashed car nut the way I am a gun nut, with an "enabler", a German dealer and mechanic -- Karl?-- who would let him take and drive cars until he HAD to have them. (Think Ron Petersen with me and guns).

When I first met him, when I was in first grade, he picked up the kids at school in a 1929 Hupmobile with an Irish water spaniel in the rumble seat. That dog was succeeded by Cindy, a long -lived basset of mournful visage who was so self - effacing that one kid-- Chris?-- suggested that she be stuffed and put on wheels when she died because "nobody would know the difference"., especially if they equipped her with a recording of her baying voice.

 He must have been relatively wealthy, as his many antique cars and being able to send his kids to Jeanne d’Arc show, but he had no rich man’s attitudes. His lawn always looked like a used car lo, albeit one with strange taste. There was an antique Mercedes ("The Yellow Car" --all cars were identified primarily by their colors), a 1950-ish job with a black leather roof,  landau irons, and a burl walnut dash, the ONE car none of us "kids" were allowed to drive; this early 50's 220 cabriolet is very close:

...and new ones, like a pagoda- roofed 280 SL:

This one was capable of an honest 140 mph at LEAST-- Mike and I both took it that high, and I took another borrowed one to 160 to beat an old townie rival, Joey Donnelly, in a drag race.We called it the Brown Car; it was  actually a sort of dark cranberry maroon color.

They were parked up against his old red  Cadillac, a finned one ca 1962, that he kept as an antique, a kind of cosmic mechanical dinosaur; my father later offered Betsy and me one just like it that he had long since stopped diving,  for a pet after I told him there were two Edsel and a red and white '56 Chevy with a continental kit in my town owned by the original buyers or at least their familes; no, I do not live in Cuba. At the time, he had  sighed "Cadillacs are irresistible to contractors, whether they are  Armenians, Bomb throwers [Siciilians] or Swiss; at least mine wasn't purple!" but we were afraid  of the gas it would take to get to Magdalena.

 Mike's Fiat Spyder, which he drove for about thirteen years, lived there then, and various  Japanese motorcycles, plus Triumph and Harley choppers owned by Rick Rozen and Jack Semensi, two other schoolmates, Randolph neighbors  and hunting and fishing buddies (Rick, who joined our circle at 13 at Xaverian Bothers, our Catholic prep school, is known to readers of this blog as "CAPTAIN" Rick of the Novi fishing boat Half- Fast, then out of Brant Rock: he was the first of the guys I grew up with to get a classic shotgun, an LC Smith, which we all envied, especially as he got it for $75 and a roll of carpet; he still has it. He made a fortune in the "Tuna Wars" of the late seventies and early 80's-- and drove two identical International Harvesters with  canoes on top-- that story too is still to be told. Jack was another J d'A alum; he was known as Joe there. He is the only person I ever knew who drove a Lotus Elan; it too was often parked on the  Conca's lawn...

Rose, our perfect den mother, was a Catholic convert with a green thumb who used to grow marijuana ornamentally in the 70s, though she wouldn't let her kids smoke it. They raised   their kids and a  whole pack of others in an amiable laissez- faire manner that came as  as a great contrast and relief to me in comparison  to my (then- Betsy Huntington would change him) controlling, rigid father. To give an example, I once went to their house and asked where Mike was. I got the following answers from the kids and Doc: 1) “He’s up in his room.” 2) "He’s at ‘Summahaus' (that’s what they called their house in Plymouth)” 3) “No, he’s on Key Marathon.” It turns out he was in Green Harbor on the Irish Riviera, where we nautical hunter-gatherers used to live.

(At the same time, two typical remarks by my father were "Take your  dog and your wife and get the hell off my property!" and "Look, John; my asshole son just bought a rich man's gun!" It was a 28 bore AyA No 2; that he had a Model  21 Winchester  worth ten of it didn't matter, though it took another decade for me to find one I could afford to buy!)
On the cusp of prep and hippieiedom, 1966?--  me & Mike on the way to the Lime Rock sports car races, in my Morris Minor Shooting Brake:
Doc was, I realize now,  my second father figure, the one I could talk to. From the age of 17, when I left home, until I went to western Mass in the mid seventies, I probably spent more time at the Conca’s house than any other place. During that time, from 1967 to around 74, I barely spoke to my father.

Rose suddenly came down with lung cancer in 1990, though as far as I know she never smoked. She died horribly quickly, and I never got a chance to say good- bye. Doc married  a younger Lydia Miils in 1992. I never met her, but she apparently took good care of Doc for the rest of his days.

Doc also did things  like take out my terrible infected wisdom teeth after I spent two sleepless days drinking his booze to numb the pain while he was away. He did nothing more than shake his head and he didn't even charge me. I called my first wife Bronwen in North Carolina last night, and she said “Shit Steve — we LIVED there!” So did Semensi and our friend Teddy Neves, now among those who went missing because of schizophrenia. (The Rozens, whose extremely original family lived  across the back fence from the Concas, deserve their own post. Soon!) Rather than oppose my hunting as "a waste of time”, as my father tended to do, Doc joined our Thanksgiving double gun hunt in Easton with his Model 12.

Not that he was sentimental about kids. One of Doc’s outstanding accomplishments was to teach the younger bunch of his kids to stand in the doorway when I showed up and chant “Steve’s here — HIDE THE BEER!”,  over and over again. But he also taught me how to do things like pickle squid- and MAKE beer. Both Rozen and Semensi eventually rented houses from him behind the dentist's office, filling the space with bird dogs and sailboats; Doc told us, puffing on his pipe,  that a friend had inquired after his "commune", a pretty funny thing for a life- long Goldwater Republican to have. Both were at his funeral.

Rozen in those days:
Doc (front center) and Rose  (lower left) ca 1983, with the younger kids:

I more or less lost touch with him in recent years. When Libby was living in Bozeman, he flew his personal plane out to see us. I don’t think they took his plane keys away until he was 90. I will add photos as I get them.; Mike has promised one with his plane. He was a man, who will be missed. And he has prompted me to begin what may be a memoir, just by making me think of that time.

A special thanks to Megan (McKenzie) Conca of Santa Fe, for photos and material.Obviously, more TK.

UPDATE: Here is a photo of Doc in his plane! And Mary Lou is sending more by snail mail....

And who is that with him? I am not sure.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Scenes from George's Funeral

With sharks:
A few of the family: My Georgia brother Mike, self described redneck, horticulturalist and small- time farmer, birder, and maker of the finest preserves know to man, with the twins, Judi and Janine, up from PA:
Sister Anita St John with her husband Matt, old time rocker, and daughter Stella. She is the one who runs the clinic and diagnosed my heterozygote gene for CF by licking my arm.
More sibs- all the ones that count but Alicia and me (;-)) Judi, Wendy, 'Nita, Karen (George's widow, and our usual host in Boston), Mike, and Janine (the serious iron woman, marathoner, and athlete, who weighs about 95 and can bench press as much as I can)... a lot, incidentally...
Drone shot of the ceremony for George's ashes this week:
George's dog, Hal, is in mourning...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

George Graham RIP

My brother in law and dear friend, George Graham, died early today after a struggle with esophageal cancer. He was not quite 54, and I can't get my head around it yet. Until a month or so ago he and Karen were pretty optimistic, and I always thought he would outlive me.

We were utterly different people who shared a surprising number of interests: our deep love for Karen; a fascination for New England nature, especially in its maritime aspects, and all its inhabitants; great enjoyment in telling stories and drinking until all hours of the night; local lore and language; eating an enormous amount of delicacies unknown to westerners, like bluefish and fried clams with bellies-- who is going to find me the good clam shacks now?

Though he didn't know it, he had already inspired me to write about the returning alewife run he showed me last year. I always hoped he'd come out here again -- he enjoyed shooting Winchester level action rifles, and patronizing the Golden Spur Bar, where the locals loved to make him talk to hear his accent: "Say your name, George". He taught me that for all my airs I am "OFD" "Officially F****n"' Dawchesta", born on Templeton Street just off "Dot (Dorchester) Ave", on a site now obliterated by New Ashmont station. I left at four, but my private schools from five up and my pronunciation of the letter "r" notwithstanding, he made me say the one "r"- less thing he knew I would:

"What parish were you born in- don't think about it, just SAY it!"

(ME) "Saint Maahk's!".Learned before four and never forgotten.

George: "SEE? Only people from New Orleans and Dawchesta know the answer to that question! You're from Saint Maahk's off Dot Ave-- your as OFD as Maahk Wahlberg!"

I'll have a lot more to say later. For now it is enough to say: he was a wonderful man, a great father, and the best husband my sister Karen could have had. We will all miss him.

Thank you, George, for being the friend that you were to a talkative cranky old man in the desert. We love you, and will miss you.
Alewife run

With Tom Russell and co at Passim in Harvard Square

It seems like just a week ago- celebrating my new book, which they got before I did (and notice they have the Gorbatov cover image on their wall)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

George is still fighting

Keep him in your prayers and thoughts- he is going through a hard patch. That is him as letter "K".

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Tomorrow my favorite brother-in-law George goes under the knife for his cancer. He has responded very well to the chemo and radiation; one of his tumors has disappeared, and the other has shrunk. He's done so well that they made the operation earlier rather than later, and they give him very good prospects for total remission. That said, it's always a scary time.  I know that only too well. Here are a couple of funny pictures. He's wearing a Mohawk because his hair was falling out, and his sons thought it would be funny. In the first, kissing my 92 year old mother, who last year thought she was 84, and this year thinks she is 91 because "91 is 16 turned upside-down". May I never be that mad. The other two are self-explanatory.

Monday, December 21, 2015

George's Battle

My brother in law and great friend, George Graham of South Weymouth, Massachusetts, married to my sister Karen, faces the battle of a lifetime. Tomorrow he begins five weeks of targeted radiation and chemo, after that four more for recuperation. Then they cut. Esophageal cancer is a tough one, and it took down Hitch, but Hitch was a lifelong smoker and it was all through him.  They never even gave him the option of surgery.

George, on the other hand,  is a big healthy non- smoker, an outdoorsman and naturalist, who shares my interests in birds and guns among other things; but for their love of the ocean, I have privately hoped they might move here when they retired. He has the best attitude I can imagine, as does Karen: healthy skepticism, black humor, and a determination to avail themselves of all of the wonders of modern medicine, with which my family is amply connected, in a great medical town. All concerned will do their blessed damndest to fight this thing...

So, say a prayer or just light a candle to modern science, but let Karen and George, and their sons,  know they have any support they need. I will.

He and Karen with Tom and Nadine Russell, Passim coffeehouse, Cambridge MA

 He and Karen at official Mass trapping class earlier his year, learning how to catch problem creatures dead or alive-- not a common suburban skill!

 With me at the Magdalena shooting range, and with us at the Spur- his accent, without the consonantal "r", delighting the cowboys: "Say 'Jawj,' George!"

"Ahh, you guys..."

 Telling cancer what to do:

Monday, November 16, 2015


Eli overlooks his world... Eureka Valley
Mining equipment

Eli says:
"We're Scots, so we can toss big trees like the Scots do!"
"[Optimistically] We could have centipedes for dinner!"
"Special Padda [ ie Father] juice means beer!"