.. to use a slightly different meaning of the word.
I have been neglecting the blog for other work, but the PC minions of Animail Rites never sleep. In
Solano County, California, activists have managed to enact a ban on open field coursing-- chasing hares with dogs-- in advance of the threatened legisaltion. A typical informed comment from a ban supporter:
"Who wants to live next door to a dog that has been
trained and encouraged to chase and kill small animals. Cats are small, squirrels are small, children are small." (Emphasis mine).
The reasoned response of a lover of real dogs:
"My own dogs have hunted, and this is what they do in the off time, they sleep with the cats."
A realistic warning:
"This ordinance is a step toward the supporters' stated goal of outlawing all hunting in the United States."
And the result?
"... all five members of the board voted to ban open field coursing, even one supervisor who is also a hunter... The Solano County ordinance makes open field coursing a misdemeanorpunishable by a thousand dollar fine and up to six months in jail."
Hat tip Margory Cohen. Any hunter who votes for this is,
charitably, BLIND.
Meanwhile, in
Delaware, a bill was inroduced to outlaw greyhound racing (which doesn't exist in Delaware!) Ricka Smith, who sent this, said "The way this bill is written, even lure coursing could be construed as "racing" and animals would be confiscated by the state ..."
The bill, luckily, failed. But why would the ARistas promote a bill where no racing exists? Because they can then say, "well, it has already been outlawed in..."
Meanwhile, back in California, as the ban creeps forward, it has been amended to make it even worse. From Margory again:
"Assembly Bill 2110 was recently amended and the new language will affect certain AKC sanctioned events. The bill will prohibit "live lure coursing," which is now defined as "a competition in which dogs are, by the use of
rabbits, hares, or foxes, assessed as to skill in hunting live rabbits, hares, or foxes." AB 2110 will effectively outlaw Beagle Field Trials, Basset Hound Field Trials and Dachshund Field Trials within the state of
"The original intent of AB 2110 was to outlaw "live lure coursing," defined as "any activity in which a dog is left untethered and allowed to track and pursue any rabbit, hare, or fox and that results in the injury or death of
the rabbit, hare, or fox." In AKC sanctioned events dogs trail the scent of an animal, but they do not kill the animal.
"As amended, AB 2110 threatens the rights of Beagle, Bassett Hound, and Dachshund breeders and owners to prove the merits of their dogs as true working hounds, capable of performing tasks for which these breeds were originally developed. Individuals dedicated to continuing and refining the innate abilities of these scenthound breeds deserve the right to continue their pursuits, which in no way threaten the native rabbits tracked only by scent.
"AB 2110 now eliminates that right and should be vigorously opposed by everyone committed to purebred dogs and working field trails, regardless of their personal breed."
People like the Solano congressman or many falconers I know keep thinking THEIR sport is exempt. It's not.